Discussion Guides

Use these discussion guides to complement programming of the film at events and screenings and to facilitate learning and discussion with your audience.

Film Discussion Guide
This Discussion Guide was developed by the Chicago Public Schools Family Literacy Collaborative and meant to be used for general audiences and for audiences that have no prior knowledge of the US literacy crisis of the science of reading.
NAACP Discussion Guide
This Discussion Guide was developed in partnership with the NAACP and an Editorial Advisory Board of Black scholars and educators who specialize in literacy instruction and pedagogy. This Discussion Guide is intended for audiences who seek to dig deeper on the connection between literacy and civil rights and to learn about the historical context and persistent inequities Black students face in the school system.
Tool for Policymakers
We invite policymakers to use the film as a helpful launching point for conversations focused on improving early childhood literacy. While the film’s discussion guide features key clips for discussion, we’ve specifically recommended the following clip, questions, case examples, and resources to support lawmakers in identifying areas needing increased implementation and accountability in evidence-based reading instruction.